Thursday, August 28, 2008

Romanian Soccer Player Breaks Transfer Record

(Que the circus music) Not really. But he did get sold for 15 kilos worth of meat. This kind of circus act could only happen in Adam Bergman's favorite league, the Romanian 2nd Division.

The blockbuster deal was brokered by UT Arad of the 2nd division (who apparently have a barbecue this weekend that they needed food for) and Regal Horia of the Romanian 4th division. The poor sap who was traded for the meat, defender Marius Cioara.

Regal Horia will feel hard done by though because after the trade was made Cioara decided to call it quits on his playing days. I don't blame him either. It's kind of a sign that your form has dipped a little when the team that traded you doesn't even want a player but table scraps in return. Either that or they are just Romanian idiots. I say a combo of both.

A Regal official was quoted, following the news that Cioara has made the decision to retire, as saying, "We are upset because we lost twice -- firstly because we lost a good player and secondly because we lost our team's food for a whole week."

Not to worry though. I heard there was a inexpensive heifer in the next village that is a great ball winner. Also if she has a nightmare of a game, they can just, ya know, eat her.
UPDATE: Apparently this is common practice in Romania as you can read here from my friend at Wayodd.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Radiohead At Outside Lands Festival

For those of you who weren't as fortunate as me to see Radiohead live in San Francisco the other night, here is a clip of the one of the best songs they performed:

Although I admit the sound outages were a pain in the ass, the overall performance, music and visuals were amazing. As you can see in the song above "Talk Show Host", during some songs there were camera's focused on each band member making for an amazing experience.

During the beginning of the song "Videotape" there was a camera placed right in front of Thom Yorke's face on his piano. This made for some interesting projections that even Thom couldn't help but break out laughing, almost falling out of his seat.

The typical foggy, summer San Francisco weather made the first night performance in Golden Gate Park's history a perfect match an complimented Radiohead's melodic sound. I am counting the days until they return to play when there isn't a curfew to abide by.

Here was the set list:
1. 15 Step
2. Reckoner
3. Airbag
4. There There
5. All I Need
6. Nude
7. Talk Show Host
8. National Anthem
9. The Gloaming
10. Videotape
11. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
12. Idioteque 13. Karma Police
14. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
15. Just
16. Exit Music (for a film)
17. Bodysnatchers
18. Pyramid Song
19. You And Whose Army?
20. Paranoid Android 2
1. Fake Plastic Trees
22. Everything In Its Right Place

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lucozade Ups Your Game

With the Barclays English Premier League about to start this weekend, I really hope the players on my fantasy team are drinking more Lucozade in hopes that it helps them performance at their best. (I need a good opening week for bragging rights.)

I mean look what it did for this team here, in Lucozade's new online effort.