Monday, November 24, 2008

Mama Lucchetti Ads

At this point I do not have a clue what Lucchetti is, but these commercials gave me a laugh. Maybe it's because I don't speak Spanish very well. Maybe it's because the little characters are shaped like beans with hair. I think it's because this song is so damn catchy. "Lu Lu Lucchetti".

They ads were done by PepperMelon. You should go to their reel and see the other cool things they've done.

It has come to my attention that Lucchetti is a soup company of sorts. Would never have guessed from the commercials. Anyhoo, rumor has it this campaign has generated over 50,000 Facebook fans. Not a bad number for a soup company. It's amazing what few jelly bean characters with wigs on can do for a product like soup.

Maybe someone can help out Lucchetti with their search engine management so they show up on a damn search. I can't find the website to save my life.

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